Rewind Menu Backup Page
This page is just used for backing up menus. Please don't delete it.
As always, you can rest easy knowing that your data is safe.
- The Rewind Team
{ "id" : "main-menu",
"handle" : "main-menu",
"title" : "Menú principal",
"links" : [
{"url" : "/",
"title" : "INICIO"},
{"url" : "/collections/all",
"title" : "PRODUCTOS..."},
{"url" : "/collections/nuevos-productos-sin-gluten",
"title" : "NOVEDADES"},
{"url" : "/collections/promociones-y-descuentos-sin-gluten",
"title" : "OFERTAS"},
{"url" : "/pages/promociones-nuevos-clientes-en-delicatessin-com",
"title" : "PROMOCIONES"},
{"url" : "/pages/compra-y-envio-de-delicatessin-com",
"title" : "COMPRA Y ENVÍO"},
{"url" : "/pages/contacta-con-nosotros",
"title" : "CONTACTO"}
{ "id" : "footer",
"handle" : "footer",
"title" : "Menú de pie de página",
"links" : [
{"url" : "/",
"title" : "Inicio"},
{"url" : "/pages/aviso-legal",
"title" : "Aviso Legal"},
{"url" : "/pages/condiciones-generales-de-compra",
"title" : "Condiciones Generales de Compra"},
{"url" : "/pages/condiciones-generales-y-licencia-de-uso",
"title" : "Condiciones Generales y Licencia de Uso"},
{"url" : "/pages/preguntas-frecuentes-faqs",
"title" : "FAQs"},
{"url" : "/pages/politica-de-cookies",
"title" : "Política de Cookies"},
{"url" : "/pages/politica-de-privacidad",
"title" : "Política de Privacidad"},
{"url" : "/pages/sobre-nosotros-quienes-somos",
"title" : "Sobre Nosotros"}
{ "id" : "sin-gluten-y",
"handle" : "sin-gluten-y",
"title" : "Sin gluten y ...",
"links" : [
{"url" : "/collections",
"title" : "Sin azúcar añadido"},
{"url" : "/collections/all",
"title" : "Sin huevo"},
{"url" : "/collections/all",
"title" : "Sin leche"},
{"url" : "/collections/all",
"title" : "Sin soja"},
{"url" : "/collections",
"title" : "Biológico"},
{"url" : "/collections/all",
"title" : "Comercio justo"},
{"url" : "/collections/all",
"title" : "Vegano"}
{ "id" : "productos",
"handle" : "productos",
"title" : "Productos",
"links" : [
{"url" : "/collections/aceites-y-condimentos-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Aceites y condimentos"},
{"url" : "/collections/bebidas-vegetales-e-isotonicas-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Bebidas vegetales y en polvo"},
{"url" : "/collections/cacaos-cafes-infusiones-y-tes-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Cafés y cacaos"},
{"url" : "/collections/cereales-y-legumbres-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Desayunos y postres"},
{"url" : "/collections/chocolates-dulces-y-galletas-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Dulces y chocolates"},
{"url" : "/collections/azucares-concentrados-y-siropes-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Endulzantes"},
{"url" : "/collections/frutos-secos-y-semillas-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Frutos secos"},
{"url" : "/collections/harinas-y-preparados-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Harinas y preparados"},
{"url" : "/collections/macrobiotica",
"title" : "Macrobiótica"},
{"url" : "/collections/mieles-y-polen-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Mieles y polen"},
{"url" : "/collections/crackers-panes-tostadas-y-wraps-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Panadería"},
{"url" : "/collections/pasta-sin-gluten-noodles-y-konjac",
"title" : "Pasta"},
{"url" : "/collections/superalimentos-en-polvo-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Superalimentos en polvo"},
{"url" : "/collections/especial-navidad-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Especial Navidad"}
{ "id" : "37518770224-child-50d5f178cc6a251882b7d923d4f55e91-legacy-productos",
"handle" : "37518770224-child-50d5f178cc6a251882b7d923d4f55e91-legacy-productos",
"title" : "PRODUCTOS...",
"links" : [
{"url" : "/collections/aceites-y-condimentos-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Aceites y condimentos"},
{"url" : "/collections/azucares-concentrados-y-siropes-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Azúcares, concentrados y siropes"},
{"url" : "/collections/barritas-nachos-soffiette-y-tortitas-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Barritas, nachos, soffiette y tortitas"},
{"url" : "/collections/bebidas-vegetales-e-isotonicas-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Bebidas vegetales e isotónicas"},
{"url" : "/collections/cacaos-cafes-infusiones-y-tes-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Cacaos, cafés, infusiones y tés"},
{"url" : "/collections/cereales-y-legumbres-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Cereales y legumbres"},
{"url" : "/collections/chocolates-dulces-y-galletas-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Chocolates, dulces y galletas"},
{"url" : "/collections/conservas-salsas-y-cremas-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Conservas, salsas y cremas"},
{"url" : "/collections/crackers-panes-tostadas-y-wraps-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Crackers, panes, tostadas y wraps"},
{"url" : "/collections/desayunos-en-copos-mueslis-y-granolas-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Desayunos en copos, mueslis y granolas"},
{"url" : "/collections/especias-en-grano-y-en-polvo-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Especias en grano y en polvo"},
{"url" : "/collections/frutos-secos-y-semillas-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Frutos secos y semillas"},
{"url" : "/collections/harinas-y-preparados-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Harinas y preparados"},
{"url" : "/collections/mieles-y-polen-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Mieles y polen"},
{"url" : "/collections/pasta-sin-gluten-noodles-y-konjac",
"title" : "Pasta, noodles y konjac"},
{"url" : "/collections/salsas-y-pastas-orientales-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Salsas y pastas orientales"},
{"url" : "/collections/superalimentos-en-polvo-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Superalimentos en polvo"},
{"url" : "/collections/especial-navidad-sin-gluten",
"title" : "Especial Navidad"}
{ "id" : "customer-account-main-menu",
"handle" : "customer-account-main-menu",
"title" : "Menú principal de la cuenta de cliente",
"links" : [
{"url" : "/",
"title" : "Tienda"},
{"url" : "®ion_country=ES",
"title" : "Orders"}